What does scientific research have to say about
this form of meditation?
I teach Vedic Meditation and was trained to teach this form of meditation by Thom Knoles. Thom was trained as a teacher of Transcendental Meditation (“TM”) by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (“Maharishi”), and taught it for over 25 years with organizations affiliated with Maharishi. Since 1997, Thom has continued to teach this meditation as he learned it from Maharishi, and has done so independently and separately from the TM organizations, using the terms “Vedic Meditation". Thom Knoles trained me to teach meditation as Thom was trained to teach meditation by Maharishi. I teach Vedic Meditation independently and separately from TM organizations, and am not affiliated with those organizations.
The form of meditation that my teacher, Thom Knoles, teaches, and taught for over 25 years with the TM organizations as “Transcendental Meditation,” has been the subject of hundreds of scientific studies showing a wide range of benefits from regular practice. These studies, which refer to this form of meditation using the name “Transcendental Meditation” or “TM”, support the benefits obtainable from regular practice of Vedic Meditation.
These benefits include:
• Increased resistance to stress
• Increased levels of energy
• Relief from depression and anxiety
• Rest 2-5 times deeper than sleep
• Relief from insomnia
• Reduction in pain
• Reduced risk of heart disease and tumors
• Improved immune function
• Decreased free radicals
• Relief from migraines, headaches and asthma
• Normalization of blood pressure
• Reduced cholesterol levels
• Reduced stroke​
• Reduced pre-diabetes
• Normalization of weight
• Reversal of the effects of aging
• Increased longevity
• Improved sports performance
• Reduced use of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs
• Improved memory, concentration and learning ability
• Improved intelligence and creativity
• Higher levels of brain functioning
• Improved integration of personality
• Faster reaction times
• Improved academic performance
• Improved cognitive ability in the elderly
• Reduce symptoms of ADHD
• Increased non-verbal intelligence
• Improved visual perception
• Improved relationships with other people
• Increased self esteem and stronger self-identity
• Increased marital satisfaction
• Improved capacity for intimate contact
• Improved perception of others
• Greater sociability
• Greater moral and emotional maturity
• Increased levels of tolerance
• Improved time management and effectiveness
• Fewer feelings of social inadequacy
• Improved mindfulness
• Increased acceptance of feelings